God’s Foretold Work
Below is the beginning stage of work done with some brothers around the country this weekend (Bryan Purtle, Ed McInnis, Travis Bennett, Reggie Kelly, Samuel Clough and Ryan Couch). Expect to see updates on the Kansas City Prophetical School Website.
This is a simple sketch of God’s Prophetic Timeline. Our hope is to use this basic framework to plug-in greater detail as the Lord directs and enables.
In this presentation, you may notice that you can zoom into the actual timeline under “Abraham,” and see scripture references to God’s Land Promises. This is the type of detail we hope to be adding in the future. (Go HERE if you have a handheld tablet or smartphone. {Prezi App required})
[prezi id=”<http://prezi.com/t6p89pjy2pcr/gods-foretold-work/>”]