“From Everlasting” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 1)

Saturday, Sept 14th, marked the first session in a planned ongoing Study through the Scriptures with an eye to unfold God’s eternal purposes for mankind. We will be moving towards what God is doing in our generation in these last days. We looked at verses in both testaments that referred to that time (if we can call it that) “before…

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God’s Foretold Work

Below is the beginning stage of work done with some brothers around the country this weekend (Bryan Purtle, Ed McInnis, Travis Bennett, Reggie Kelly, Samuel Clough and Ryan Couch). Expect to see updates on the Kansas City Prophetical School Website. This is a simple sketch of God’s Prophetic Timeline. Our hope is to use this basic framework to plug-in greater…

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The Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32)

The theme verse of this website has been Deuteronomy 32:21 since its inception. A few years ago I asked the Lord for help writing music to the “song” that Moses spoke in this chapter. In more recent months, my friend Reggie Kelly made a comment about the other “song” passage in Exodus that stirred something in me that it might…

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Review: Bible Reference Taggers & Pop-ups

[UPDATED 8-25-12] Zion Christian Press was born in late 2004 as a vehicle to publish booklets and tracts. The website was added shortly after as a supplement that activity. In recent years the website has become the focus of our efforts with a special emphasis on the Mystery of Israel site for publishing the work of Reggie Kelly. Reggie’s written…

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A People Prepared for These Last Days

In September, a dear brother and I spent 3 and a half days at a camp in Ohio, focused on the five visions of the book of Daniel as they relate to Israel and the Church in the last days. As many as 70 of us were assembled for what was called “A People Prepared for These Last Days.” I…

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Young Earth

The “Young Earth” section of the site has been restructured with the “new look.” All links have been re-examined and updated if necessary. While I am not myself a scientist, and feel no calling to that sphere, I greatly appreciate the work that these men and women are doing, and for enduring the reproach they bear for associating themselves with…

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It’s time for an overhaul.

The time has come to redesign the Zion Christian Press website. As the old site has grown, it has become more top-heavy and labor intensive. Add to that the fact that the site was created with Adobe GoLive (web design software which has been discontinued for a couple of years now) and the decision to start afresh becomes an easy…

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You Are My Portion O Lord – Psalm 119h – Heth

You are my portion O LORD is perhaps the central and most important theme of Psalm 119. Without the indwelling Spirit of the living God, the declarations, sentiments and prayers of Psalm 119 are unutterable by any mortal man. I don’t think it an accident that this same promise was given to Abraham, the father of faith, when God told him, “I am your exceeding great reward.” Additionally, when Israel was moving into the promised land and it was being divided among the twelve tribes, the tribe of Levi was not given a specific portion. Rather, it was said,

That is why the Levites have no share or inheritance among their brothers; the LORD is their inheritance… Deut 10:9

I have promised to obey Your words… This promise is only worth its salt because of the statement that preceded it. Unless the Lord is our portion… unless the Lord Himself indwells us and makes that commitment through us then the promise is empty and vain. Israel made this same promise after hearing the Law at Mount Sinai for the first time:

The people all responded together, “We will do everything the LORD has said.” Exodus 19:8

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The style of the old ZCP site was making needed frequent updates to Reggie Kelly’s writings laborious. Began work on a fresh website (with it’s own domain) for Reggie Kelly. Initially titled “Reign of Grace” after one of Reggie’s articles, it was quickly changed to “Mystery of Israel.” I chose WordPress as the vehicle to carry the weight of the…

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Your Decrees Are The Theme of My Song – Psalm 119 – Zayin

Remember Your Word to Your servant. – Is it ever necessary to bring God into remembrance of something He has spoken? As another section of this Psalm starts out, “Your Word O Lord is eternal.” The heavens and the earth might pass away but God’s Word will never pass away. So how is it that this prayer is legitimate? Are there cases where it seems that God has forgotten His Word?

The most striking example of this must be Jesus when He entered into the last days of His earthly ministry: the garden of Gethsemane, the betrayal and desertion of His disciples, the mocking and the merciless beatings and scourgings, and of course the final hours hanging on a cross. Here was the man (the only man) who has truly meditated perfectly on the Word of God day and night and he is suffering as only a pure and innocent man can suffer in the presence of evil

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