How Can a Young Man Keep His Way Pure? – Psalm 119b – Beth

Who has kept Himself pure and undefiled but the Lord Himself? I can almost see Jesus as a young man, or perhaps even a boy, sifting through the Scriptures, meditating on them so that He might discover His identity there and find God’s purpose for His life. According to our view, the Scriptures are written about Jesus and by Him, through Moses and the Prophets. The Gospels clarify that Jesus IS, in fact, the Word made flesh. Would it be a stretch to add that the Scriptures were also in place FOR Him, so that He might have a witness in the earth to the Spirit of the Father in Him?

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Blessed Are They Whose Ways Are Blameless – Psalm 119a – Aleph

“Blessed are they”… In many of the Psalms you will run into phrases like, “Blessed is the one who fears the Lord,” or “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly.” When I encounter that kind of speech, I immediately think of that one with a capital “O” and that man a capital “M” – Blessed is the One…” and “Blessed is the Man…” for in another Psalm it is said, “There is none righteous, no, not one.” So that righteous man must in fact BE the Lord.

But here in Psalm 119, it starts out immediately with a declaration of a company of the righteous. “Blessed are THEY, whose ways are BLAMELESS…”

How can both of these statements be true:

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And there will be harmony…

June 1, 2008 Work has continued on the Psalm 119 project. I have taken the advice of a musician friend and added some harmony to select sections (Aleph, Heth, Yodh, Kaph, Peh and Tav).

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Psalm 119: The Inspiration to the Music

Back in January of 2006, when the ministry trip of Art Katz through the southeastern US was cancelled due to his illness, I was put into a new place of encouraging myself in the Lord. The timing of his scheduled visit had SEEMED to be the handiwork of the Lord. Looking back, if that kind of language is still to be used (and I think it is), one would have to say that it was the timing of the cancellation of the visit that was His handiwork. In the heat of the moment, however, it was cause for dismay. Distress with the direction of our Christian Fellowship of 20 years, a continuing burden for the impossible task of reaching out evangelistically to the Jewish community in our area, frequent fasting, a recent job change, and, being nearly two months into the worst cough / recurring fever of my life were taking their toll.

I had discovered a music group a few months earlier by the name of Sons of Korah. I cannot remember exactly how I ran across them, but I suspect that I had done an internet search for music to the Psalms. For whatever reason I was not immediately attracted to this group. I vaguely remember that the first music sample that I heard would be what I would still categorize as one of my least favorite of their works…

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Christ’s “Fool”

A landing page for the Art Katz material is in place that has links to the Mystery of Israel and the Church series and a couple of sessions of the 2004 Prophetic School devoted to Psalm 119. In contrast to the Psalm 119 series, a talk called “Pauls Vehemence Against Legalism” has also been posted. Additionally, permission to post an article Art wrote…

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Reggie Kelly: Mystery of Israel

Due to the restructuring of Ben Israel’s web site and the establishment of, Reggie Kelly’s articles that once graced the BI site are no longer available there. It is my privilege to be able to offer those articles here at ZCP. [2009: Reggie now has a dedicated site called Mystery of Israel]

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Psalm 119: The Testimony of God

How is it that the Psalmist can praise something that testifies against him? Without making God out to be a liar, I can find only one solution, and that would be the Gospel (“Almost too good to be true news”) found in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only one who could read this Psalm with a straight face. He is the one and only Law KEEPER. In fact, when Moses put the Law into words, it was in obedience to the heavenly pattern. Moses was actually verbalizing and describing the character and attributes of God. Therefore Jesus (who claimed Divinity) embodies every aspect of it, down to the last jot and tittle. “I did not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it.”

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Psalm 119: Prayers God Is Waiting To Hear

It was recently brought to my remembrance, perhaps by the Lord Himself, that several years ago, I asked the Lord for prayers that He could answer YES to. I am a firm believer that all prayer is answered. But “No” and “Not Yet” are answers just as legitimately as “Yes” is. As appropriate as the first two responses might be, they become discouraging if those are the only responses you get. I speculate that it is just as wearying for God to continually receive requests that cannot be answered affirmatively…

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The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus

January 13, 2008 The Psalm 119 page is now complete for all practical purposes. Permission has been acquired from Ben Israel to post two sessions [One, Two] of commentary on Psalm 119 by the late Art Katz and another relatively recent message of his called Paul’s Vehement Opposition to Legalism. I felt that message was a good balance to a Psalm having so much…

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