Hebrews – The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant – (Online Bible Study)

A handful of the most bold and controversial statements of the New Testament are found in the Book of Hebrews. It is “Exhibit A” in the hands of some Orthodox Jews who use it to show that the teachings of Christianity are contrary to the Law of Moses. It is “Exhibit A” in the hands of some Christians who point…

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Online Convocation: The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

On Saturday evening, September 19th at 7PM Eastern, we addressed the sobering question of the futurity of “Jacob’s Trouble” as found in Jeremiah 30:6. We will also look at the cutting off of “two thirds” found in Zechariah 13:8 Can we rightly dare to discuss these things without calling it a “Holy Convocation”? This is indeed holy ground, and we…

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Jeremiah 2015 Convocation

This End-Time Holy Convocation / Prophetic School was a four-day weekend study program. The purpose of these days was to inspire and encourage one another as we study the Word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah the Prophet, and seek to be fed by the Spirit in order that we might effectively serve the Lord and His Church in…

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Revelation: The End Considered (Online Bible Study)

“I would like to begin with a question. What does God want to reveal in the Revelation? Is it His unrestrained wrath, or is it the greatness of His Son the Lord Jesus and the glory due to Him by the creation? I am opting for the second answer.” — “The foundation of the Christian gospel is the righteous deserving…

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Glorious Church 2015 Convocation

Ryan Couch, Fred London, Bryan Purtle, Reggie Kelly and Tom Quinlan came together in Kansas City from Thursday, March 26th thru the 29th for the 2015 Glorious Church Conference. YouTube Page A highlight of the Conference was this Panel discussion on “The Glorious Church in the Great Tribulation”: From the website: “The Bible says that Jesus is still on a…

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“There Was Given to Him Much Incense” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 51)

We did not take a break from the book of Revelation tonight, but we did revert to the old format for a week of review and discussion of what Travis has presented to us thus far regarding the basic structure of the book of Revelation. This will include an overview of the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls (Vials) of Revelation 6,…

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