“I Will Provoke You To Jealousy…” – Paul’s Gospel in the Old Testament – (Session 11)
November 29th, we looked at Romans Chapter 10:
Continue Reading...November 29th, we looked at Romans Chapter 10:
Continue Reading...The November 22nd Session focused on Romans Chapter 9:
Continue Reading...In this session we opened Romans 3 as our starting point for probing the Old Testament as the source of Paul’s framework for “his” Gospel. Abel’s righteous sacrifice of the firstlings of his flock, was one highlight in our trek to find the righteousness that comes by faith in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Continue Reading...In this session, we turned our sights to Chapter 2 of Romans. “…On the day, God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.” “Therefore you art inexcusable, O man, whosoever you are that judges: for wherein thou judge another, you condemn yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.” “There is no…
Continue Reading...Romans Chapter 1 was our springboard for this discussion. We looked briefly at Old Testament use of the word “Gospel” and attempted to define it. Time was spent looking at God’s initial promises to Abraham, as Galatians says that there the Gospel was preached to him.
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