“I Have No Pleasure in the Blood of Bulls” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 37)

In this session, we probed the words of the prophets Amos, Isaiah, Malachi and others, who warned that outward observance of the written commands concerning sacrifice will not be sufficient to release the mercies and favor of a Holy God who is obligated by His own integrity to punish the ungodly. “Surely You desire truth, truth in the inward parts…”…

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“Be Ever Hearing But Never Understanding” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 36)

We continued our plodding through the kings of Judah and Israel and expected to reach the destruction and exile of Israel, the Northern Kingdom, but we turned aside to see Isaiah’s encounter with the Lord in the year that King Uzziah died, and the resulting apostolic sending from the throne to a rebellious people.

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“The Valley of Jezreel” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 35)

In this session, we continued our look at the life and miracles of Elisha, as well as his anointing of Jehu to be king of Israel. Jehu fulfilled the word of the LORD through Elijah concerning the line of Ahab in the valley of Jezreel. We also explored what the prophet Hosea says concerning Jezreel in the last days.

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“I Will Render Double Unto Thee” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 34)

On this night, we resumed our look at the life of Elijah, with an eye towards the transfer of his prophetic mantle upon Elisha. Concerning Elisha’s request for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, we also probed the promised double portion of trouble and blessing prophesied for Israel.

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“For the Day of Their Calamity…” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 33)

Leveraging off of Session 32 where the LORD answered Elijah’s prayer with fire, and Elijah slayed the prophets of Baal with the sword, we will be zooming out for the big picture of what the prophets call the Day of the Lord. We will likely begin in Deuteronomy 32, where Moses begins to describe the day of Israel’s calamity, and…

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