“He Slew More at His Death” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 17)

In this session we picked up our survey of the OT with the book of Judges, and settled into the story of Samson and his parallels with an end-time church that is humbled and blinded, but rises in the last days to bring down the principalities and powers of darkness. (Classic commentary by Reggie Kelly starting at about 50 minutes…

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“This is My Body Which is Broken for You” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 15)

We began with a focus on the body of Christ, looking at the attributes and characteristics of the parts and how they relate to one another. We asked the question of how His body relates to the currently “unsaved” natural branches of Israel. What message does that body have for those “unsaved” branches today?

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“You Have Given Me the Necks of Mine Enemies” – God’s Foretold Work – (Session 13)

In this session we looked at the Gibeonite Deception in Chapters 9-10 of Joshua. The study also took us to the reign of David when Israel suffered a famine for three years that related back to the covenant that Joshua and the nation of Israel made with the Gibeonites. (Expect some audio syncronization issues)

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“The Valley of Achor as a Door of Hope” – God’s Foretold Work (Session 12)

In this session, we looked at Achan and the defeat of Israel at Ai (Chapter 7 in the Book of Joshua). We considered and magnified God’s ability to bring life out of death, also reading from Ephesians Ch 1 and 2, and Hosea Ch 2. The broadcast was fraught with technical difficulties (un-syncronized audio/video) and distractions (ringing phone and doorbell)…

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“Be Strong and of Good Courage” – God’s Foretold Work (Session 11)

In Session 11 we explored the early chapters of the book of Joshua (Y’shua) as he begins to lead Israel into the land that God swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants. We looked at the attribute of true courage and its source, the encounter with Rahab, the crossing of the Jordan, and the destruction of Jericho,…

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“When He Sees Their Strength is Gone…” – God’s Foretold Work (Session 10)

In this session we touched on the identity of “The Prophet” in Deuteronomy 18, and then headed over the the blessings and curses of the later chapters, culminating in the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32. Our meditations on the calamities described were done in light of the prophecies of restoration in the latter days and how this relates to…

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“The Land I Sware to Give to Your Fathers” – God’s Foretold Work (Session 9)

In this session we considered high points in a number of chapters of Deuteronomy. One recurring them was the statement concerning “the land I SWARE to give to your fathers,” which is mentioned over twenty times throughout the book. We looked at several terms by which Israel shall inherit the land, namely: NOT their righteousness (Dt 9) and NOT for…

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“The Quarrel of My Covenant” – God’s Foretold Work (Session 8)

| Hi-Res version of the Timeline above is HERE. | In this session we focused on the blood sprinkled book of Leviticus, and pondered the seriousness of the continual sacrifices contained therein. “The life of the flesh is in the blood,” “it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul,” and “the land is Mine” were highlight verses. The…

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