Recommended Sites
The fact that I have been influenced by the following individuals and groups should not imply that those individuals and groups agree with anything I have to say on this site. Most of them do not even know who I am.
The Bible
First and foremost, get into the Scriptures for yourself. There is no resource on earth that is as rich and pure as the written word of God, especially when it is read with a broken and contrite heart. A JPS (Jewish Publication Society) version is available online here.
Ben Israel - The Burning Bush
Web site of a community of believers with a unique burden for the Jewish people and nation. Home to Art Katz, a Jewish believer who travels the world challenging the church to be all that God has called us to be.

Everywhere you turn here you will be challenged to consider God as you may have never been challenged before. If you are Jewish, and have made it this far in ZCP's site, may I particularly suggest reading The Holocaust, Where was God? This can be read online or ordered as a printed book.

Jews for Judaism
The purpose of this site is to provide Jews reasons not to receive Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah. If you are a Jewish seeker, I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact that there are fierce arguments against the Messiahship of Jesus. If there is a more succinct site of this kind anywhere else, please contact me.
Stan Telchin - Betrayed!
The firsthand account of how a 50 year old Jewish man dealt with the news that his 21 year old daughter believed in Jesus. Here's a link to a written synopsis of his story. Here are links to Part 1 and Part 2 of an audio recording of his account.
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus
Volumes 1, 2, 3, and soon 4. From the pen of Michael L. Brown, a Jewish believer in Yeshua who was thrust into the arena of defending his faith against the arguments of learned Orthodox Jews from his earliest days as a believer. You can read a synopsis of each volume by clicking the links.

Volume 1 - General and Historical Objections
Volume 2 - Theological Objections
Volume 3 - Objections to Messianic Prophecy
Volume 4 - Alleged New Testament Problems

Dr. Brown has recently begun a new website for Jewish seekers called Real Messiah. It contains a wealth of information, including recordings of debates with well-known Rabbi's.

Young Earth
Is the account of creation in the first chapters of Genesis trustworthy? If the foundations are faulty then the whole house is unstable. Here are links to various sites of men and women who have staked their livelihoods and reputations on research that substantiates the idea that the earth is less than 10,000 years old as the Bible says.