Questions and Answers
with Reggie Kelly

For some time Reggie has generously devoted his time to answering theological questions from friends concerning the faith of Jesus Christ. An attempt will be made to post many of those questions here so that readers who may not have been on those original mailing lists may still be able to have access to the wisdom that the Lord has imparted to Reggie.

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New (4-09) Millennial Leadership
Question: I'm wondering if you could help me out with some thoughts on regenerate Israel's condition and function in the Millennium? (read full question and answer)
Answer:  [excerpt] The godly Adolph Saphir, and many other choice servants of God have intelligently suggested that the millennial rule of the saints will be 'out of Zion' from the vantage point of the places of rule once occupied by the fallen principalities and powers, but now ''re-occupied" by the glorified redeemed of all ages. In view of the mid-tribulational eviction of Satan from heaven in preparation for his thousand year incarceration, this seems more than a compelling theory. (read more...)
New (1-09) Questions About "Prophetic Call to Practical Preparation
Question: Please enlighten me on what possible forms Practical Preparation might be.
Answer:  If we are correct in our view that the world's economy will be seized by the Antichrist, and that all non-cooperatives will be denied access to the normal means of commerce, and since the scripture is clear that there will be a flight into the wilderness (Ezk 20:35; Mt 24:15-16, 21; Rev 12:6, 14), it seems reasonable to infer that the great population centers will be the most vulnerable, at least at the first. (read more...)
The Eschatology of the Everlasting Covenant
Question: Hopefully you can help me with this passage, as this is why I do not see Jer 31:34 applying to millennial Israel.
Answer: I'll give first the short answer, and if time permits, I'll add what I can. Like so many very good questions, this deserves much fuller treatment than I can give in a short space with limited time:
The new covenant has indeed been fulfilled in Christ, but not completely. To understand how the New Covenant is fulfilled, we need to understand its ultimate goal as it pertains to Israel. Only in this light can we understand the mystery of Christ and the church in relationship to the New Covenant. (read more)...
The Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
Question: I have a question that I hope you can find time to answer.  It deals with 2 Cor. 5:21.  Do you have insight into Jesus being "made sin" or having our sins "placed upon Him"? I have studied and prayed and still see good men on both sides of this.
Answer: It is a pleasure to respond to this question, as I think it represents THE most essential and foundational doctrine on which all others stand. All others support it. In fact, I will go so far as to say that if one misses it here, (read more)...
The Key of the Mystery of Israel in the Reign of Grace

Question: Are we waiting upon all Israel to be saved that we might inherit with them and only with them the promises to Abraham?

Answer: No, I do not believe that we are "waiting upon all Israel to be saved that we might inherit with them and only with them the promises to Abraham." But we are to see in their coming salvation, a pattern for all salvation. (read more)...

NEW -The Dangerous Presumption of Exemption from Tribulation

Question: My "blessed hope" (Titus 2:13) is to not spend 7 years in incredible suffering and danger. Could you give any insight as to what this "blessed hope" is, if it is not a pre-tribulation rapture, as I believe it is?

Answer: First, the "blessed hope" has been sadly misinterpreted and misappropriated if it is understood only to mean exemption from the church's common experience of tribulation (see Acts 14:22; 1Thes 3:4). The blessed hope is not exemption from tribulation, but perfected union with Jesus. (read more)...

NEW - The Time (Timing) of Jacob's Trouble

Question: We are dealing with much that the Holy Spirit has pressed upon our hearts concerning the Time of Jacob's Trouble. Perhaps I'm the same as many before me, but I just can't see the Tribulation being more than a couple of decades away at most. What do you think?

Answer: I agree. Although there are obstacles that for the moment stand in the way of final fulfillment, what is that to God? Look at the obstacles that made where we are today seem completely for over nineteen centuries until the Jewish resettlement of Israel, so that the tendency was always strong to spiritualize prophecy. (read more)...

Followup Question: Do you have a  basis for speculation as to the time remaining before the beginning of the tribulation? My spirit man is absolutely convinced that it is much closer than what you have suggested.

Answer: Thank you for asking. It actually takes reading your impression for me to see how I might be read on this, and it is understandable. I never meant to suggest that the time of the end is 'necessarily' a full two decades away. (read more)...

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